7D2D RAT - Remote Admin Tool (Server Manager)

7D2D RAT - Remote Admin Tool (Server Manager) 01128


If you are using version 01107 or earlier of RAT, it is recommended that you completely start over with a clean database. The upgrade path MAY work for you, but as it has been almost a year of changes since the stable release version was updated, odds are, there are going to be issues.

Please read this post on how to completely (cleanly) uninstall RAT.

If you have EVER installed RAT before, you may start RAT after the update and nothing seems to happen. If this is happening, its an easy fix, please read the FAQ items at the bottom of this post for instructions on how to fix it.

  • Crash when spawning a horde and not entering a valid value for number of horde to spawn
  • No logs were being generated if the logs folder didn't already exist. Logs folder is now created if it doesn't exist already.
  • Fixed: Player data in player list is set to default values when player logs off the server
  • Fixed/Changed: Many updates to the new RAT event system, most of them under the hood
  • Fixed: On a completed backup, the backup start message was being used instead of the backup complete message
  • Fixed: Added exception handling around Localization directory searching
  • Fixed: NODATA displayed for admin data on the Permissions tab
  • Fixed: .SENDEMAIL command now properly parses event variables
  • Fixed: .SENDEMAIL now correctly parses its parameters
  • Fixed: Issue where once the server was manually stopped, it would not restart automatically when expected to
  • Fixed: RAT would crash with an error of too many open DB connections (Generally seen on larger player count servers)
  • Fixed: Kick reason not displaying when manually kicking a player with a custom reason
  • Fixed: Deleting a server restart entry, would delete all server restart entries
  • Fixed: Kick reason not displaying correctly when a player failed the ping check
  • Fixed: Improved the memory usage for DB calls, RAT should be more performant as well as less resource intensive
  • Fixed: Event Command: SendEmail was not sending emails
  • Fixed: If server messages were enabled, but none defined, RAT would throw an exception
  • Fixed: Player chat events could sometimes fire when they shouldn't
  • Fixed: Completly reworked how multiple server configurations work
  • Fixed: Server password value would not clear once set
  • Fixed: Landclaimofflinedurability not saving
  • Fixed: Several other default values were not saving correctly
  • Fixed: Due to the next item in the patch notes, the MOTD will now display at an appropriate time for the player to see it
  • Fixed: VAC Bans should now properly kick/ban a player
  • Fixed: Bans should now display correctly again since the A16 release
  • Fixed: Error when saving server settings when loot abundance setting was above 127.
  • Fixed: When you manually change the game time through RAT, the in game time is now instantly reflected in RAT instead of on the next interval
  • Fixed: On RAT startup, a single telnet connection was attempted, even if Automatically Connect was not checked.
  • Fixed: An exception could be thrown if the ping check failed and email settings were not set.
  • Fixed: Hostbans should be working again. I plan on redoing this system eventually, but what is there, should work correctly again.
  • Fixed: Creating a new event, would cause subsequent event edits to be considered new events, duplicating events.
  • Fixed: Server messages should be working again
  • Fixed: Player Spawn Join, Player Spawn Died and Player Spawn Teleport events now fire correctly (Welcome messages events should work now, etc). Looks like this changed in an alpha somewhere.
  • Fixed: Some default RAT values were left as my debug values, updated the build script to set these values correctly.
  • Fixed: Current player counts not being displayed in the status bar
  • Fixed: The player list would not update in some situations
  • Fixed: Potential issue with teleport using wrong coords
  • Fixed: Rat log window should now correctly only display RAT log info, instead of console commands bleeding over
  • Fixed: Text on player window right click changed from "Kill all Players" to "Kill all Zombies". Must have been wishful thinking on my part. ;)
  • Fixed: Exception when saving settings that some people were experiencing
  • Fixed: Connection issues with RAT connecting to servers with no passwords.
  • Fixed: Updated player window toolbar option "Kill All Players" to correctly state "Kill All Zombies" ;)
  • Fixed: Events like "Player Joined Server" not appearing in the chat window. If you're upgrading RAT, you'll need to manually update your events to include whatever you want.

  • Changed
  • Redesigned the grab bag editor, thanks to GuppyCur for the design ideas
  • New player Event, now fires 60 seconds after player joins the server to help prevent false positives for new player detection.
  • Minutes between grab bags can now be 0, really only used for testing.
  • Minimum minutes between teleports changed from 1 to 0, mostly used for testing.
  • Changed: Event Player Public Chat, now works with CONTAINS, STARTSWITH and ENDSWITH, see documentation for more information. ** This means you will need to update your commands to the new format on the parameter section.** [DOC] - Event Types
  • Changed: Date format on the log files is now in the format: output_log_yyyy-MM-dd_HHmmss.txt
  • Changed: Increased internal telnet buffer. (should help those with a large amount of players online at one time)
  • Changed: Backups of the RAT upgrade.dat file are no longer created. If you need to rerun the upgrade process, run the RAT installer again and select the "repair" option, the file will be rewritten.
  • Changed: EnemySpawnMode is not a boolean an instead of a numeric value (A16 change)
  • Changed: Removed EnemySenseMemory (A16 change)
  • Changed: When creating a new server, the Enable Local Server box is unchecked by default. Check it to have RAT automatically start up your server
  • Changed: When creating a new server, the telnet connection is unchecked by default. Check it to automatically connect to your server
  • Changed: When creating a new server, the remote tab is now auto selected
  • Changed: When changing servers, if you are connected via Telnet or IRC, you will be prompted to disconnect before changing servers is allowed
  • Changed: Updated the spawn entity list
  • Changed: Updated item spawn list
  • Changed: Did some work on the RAT upgrade code, hopefully it is more reliable now
  • Changed: Webmap now has two required fields to display it, located on the MISC tab. Webmost Host and Webmap port. Typically host is "localhost" and port will be your control panel port + 2.
    You will need to set yourself as admin. Right click your name in the player list, Admins -> Add
    Then in the console type the following commands:
    webpermission add web.map 500
    webpermission add webapi.getstats 500
    Now, when you click the webmap, you should be able to log in with your steam account, click refresh and you should see the webmap.
    For more information on webmap / webmap permissions, please see Alloc's documentation: Integrated Webserver – 7 Days to Die - Linux Server Management
  • CHANGED: *** StompyNZ's mod is now REQUIRED for RAT to work. Forum Post: [MOD] Bad Company Manager (ApiMod for Servers) This mod does not change your game or put your server into the modded category. Please download and install: Release A16.2 B7 Build #1 · 7days2mod/BadCompanySM · GitHub
    This means internally the majority of the parsing has been rewritten. This won't mean much to you, other than it allows me to code faster and cleaner. So in the long run, everyone wins.
  • Changed: Rewrote parser to accomodate future mod support and cleanup
  • Fixed: Spawn Scouts near a player should work again
  • Fixed: Sometimes a player would use the grabbag option, and not get a response. This is due to no items matching the percentage chance. Now the default bag will be given if this happens.
    Always make sure that the default bag has at least one item in it with a 100% chance!
  • Changed: Updated the max for both min/max GB Quantity values to 6000
  • Changed: Item spawn list is now auto alpha sorted when opened.
  • Changed: Teleport events should be working now (I hope). Let me know if there are still any issues please! I didn't find a specific issue, but made some changes in the hopes it would clear it up.
  • Changed: Improved the way random numbers were being generated. You should hopefully see more random in your random.
  • Changed: Requires v2.0 of Stompy's BCM mod, hopefully there won't be too many more mandatory updates, however... you're on experimental... ;)
    ** NOTE ** Delete the old BCM folder and install a completely fresh copy from the above link.
    If you don't, things will probably not work right.
  • Changed: Visual changes to the Health Check tab to hopefully make the options more clear
  • Changed: Cleared up some text on the Player list right click menu
  • Changed: Removed my person default values from the backup paths
  • Changed: The gametime in the bottom left corner is now blue and if you single click it, you can set the gametime.

  • New event system, allows admins to perform system commands based on events. (very experimental!)
  • Ability to disable countdown timer output on server restart for both minutes and final countdown
  • New custom command "NextBloodmoon", returns the days until the next blood moon (use parameters field for message if current day is bloodmoon day)
  • Max player Count to Server Restart Schedules. Player count must be below this number to restart the server. 0 is only restart if no players are online.
  • You can prefix content within an event script with a # to comment that line
  • Grab bag item quantity, name and quality are now displayed in private chat when a bag is rolled by the player
  • Supress "gettime" from the console window to help minimize console spam, on by default. Change it in the RAT Settings -> Console/Chat tab
  • Localization options.
    If you wish to create a template in another language, Click Tools -> Export Localization Template to get an English template of what you can edit.
    When done, copy your new file to the /localization folder.
    To change the localization template for RAT to use, File -> Settings and select the template you wish to use
    Please note that not everything can currently be localized, but there are almost 600 items that can be. The rest will be a slower process as they are hardcoded for a reason.
    If you create a template for a language, please send it to me so I can include it in the RAT installation. =)
  • All of the default RAT custom event commands have been converted to the new event system. Please see General for documentation.
  • Event: TEXT MATCH. Will match any text that comes through the console. So you can trap whatever you want, and do whatever you want when you trap it. See documetation for more information.
  • Added: Option to perform "saveworld" command on a timer (Misc Tab)
  • Added: Player level restrictions are now possible for the Player Public Chat event, see Documentation: [DOC] - Event Types
  • Added: RAT setting to output player data to a file (JSON or XML format), writes to rat install folder/playerdata_output.<format> file.
  • Added: New tab (Security 2), you can now kick/ban players that have VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) bans.
  • Added: A debug option to replay log files, this will help me find issues when I get server logs from those having a problem. Internal command only.
  • Added: Delete All Teleport Destinations menu option (Tools -> Delete Teleport Destinations), useful for when you wipe your server/start over. (more utils for this coming in the future)
  • Added: Dead is Dead game mode. *NOTE* This only works if you're running RAT on the same machine as your 7D2D server.
    Description: If you die, your character is deleted and you start over from scratch, with one exception: Currently player land claim blocks are not removed, this is due to the process being internally (7D2D server) complicated. I'm trying to figure out a good way to make this happen.
    Settings are on the Local -> Game Settings 1 tab
    Dead is Dead Mode, this means that this mode is enabled server wide!
    DiD Kick Message, the message displayed to the player after they die and are kicked from the server
    *NOTE* When DiD mode is enabled (global or player specific), they will be kicked from the server after they die. This is so that the player file can be moved into the folder "did_backup" and when the player logs in, they start with a completely new character file. If for some reason you want to restore the player, you can manually copy the files from the backup location.

    If you would like players to be able to enable/disable this mode for their own character, use the below two event commands.
    Two new Event Custom Commands: DIDENABLED, DIDDISABLED
    Examples are in the Events System
  • Added: Admin Teleport Destinations. Teleport tab, add/remove/edit teleport destinations, name them whatever you want. Right click a player, select "Teleport Destinations", you will get a dropdown of all admin destinations
  • Added: If a server restart was scheduled, but not performed due to players being online and the restart max player count set to zero (0 means don't restart if players are online), the next time there are no players are online, the server will restart.
  • Added: Support for bi-directional game chat <-> IRC chat
    **NOTE** If upgrading RAT, edit your Public Player Chat event and remove the "none" parameter for this to work
  • Added: Server Messages can now be ordered
  • Added: DiD mode players are now listed in the player list with a red background
  • Added: "Use Default Location" for save games. This will automatically use the save game location based on your configuration. Defaults to true *RECOMMENDED*
  • Added: Checkbox on player list to pause player list updating
  • Added: Player list refresh interval (in minutes), defaults to 1 minute (as current), located on the MISC tab
  • Added: COOLDOWN event command for player chat commands (see event !lcheck for example)
  • Added: You can now select the default server on RAT startup (button under the list of servers)
  • Added: 3 New event types: Player Spawn Join, Player Spawn Died, Player Spawn Teleport
    With the above new change, there is now a new default event for RAT called "Player Joined Server" that will display the MOTD.
    This means that the old MOTD system will be going away as the new event will display at the proper time for a player to see it
    Edit this new event however you'd like.
    *** Please upgrade to this method of displaying the MOTD. The old method will be removed in the next release! ***
  • Added: Early support for StompyNZ's mod Bad Company Manager: Get it at: Release A16.2 B7 Build #1 · 7days2mod/BadCompanySM · GitHub
  • Added: The entity list for spawning entities can now be updated by clicking "Tools -> Import Entities" at any time (such as new 7D2D release) (Requires StompyNZ's mod to be installed)
  • Added: The Buffs/Debuffs list for applying Buffs/Debuffs can now be updated by clicking "Tools -> Import Buffs/Debuffs" at any time (such as new 7D2D release) (Requires StompyNZ's mod to be installed)
  • Added: {bloodmoon_days} event token is now available at all times, meaning you can use it on commands other than !bloodmoon
  • Added: The Item spawner window now has a "Search" box to search items. Just start typing in the box and any matching items will be displayed in the list.
  • Added: Show Variables button on the lower right of th event editor. This will open a window and display all of the variables you can use in your scripts.
  • Added: Event Editor: Events are now sorted by type and displayed with the event type in a blue header in the list to make identifying event types/firing order easier.
  • Added: Static teleport destinations now work as variables in Event Script. Example:
    If you have a teleport destination already created with the name "jail", in event script, you could do something like: teleportplayer {{player_name}} {tele_jail}
    and the player will be teleported to that named locations coordinates. That way, if you change the location later (after a server wipe, etc), you just reset your coords and your events will work as they used to.
  • Added: Server messages can now contain the token {bloodmoon_days} to display the number of days until a bloodmoon.
  • Added: New icon on the toolbar for network information. Currently contains localIP, ExternalIP and local host name. Please let me know if you have ideas for more information in this window.
  • Added: Usage statistics tracking. This is so I can see how much RAT is used and what features. You can disable it in File -> Settings, but.. please leave it on. =) Only identifiable information collected is your IP.
  • Added: you can now import the entity classes to auto update the dropdown for spawning entities
  • Added: New Item list when adding grab bag items, searchable and sortable. I hope this makes adding items to grab bags much easier!
  • Added: Options for guarenteed items in grab bags. Meaning, if you set the guarenteed items to 2, the player is guarenteed two items from whatever bag is chosen. What items and quality those are, still fall in the settings you've made for those items. But the player will get 2 items (in this example). Leaving the guarenteed items at 0, means the system will work like previously, and the "default" bag is given to a player that did not recieve any items.
  • Added: There is now a check for the backup folder to exist before attempting a backup. Errors are logged in Console -> RATLog
  • Added: Input history buffers to Console, 7Days Chat, IRC Chat and Discord Chat (buffer is set to 50)
  • Added: Script commands can now access user chat text. Use {0} for all args (space delimited), and {1}-{..n}
    User Input: !testing 1 2 3
    Script Example: You said {0}
    Returns: You Said 1 2 3

    User Input: !testing 1 2 3
    Script Example: Countdown {3} {2} {1}
    Returns: Countdown 3 2 1
  • Added: Discord support! There's a lot to this one, please see this thread for setup instructions. Setup in RAT is the last icon on the main toolbar, instructions here.
  • Added: You can create RAT events that will respond to Discord chat events. (Thanks to GuppyCur for the idea of reusing the existing RAT event system!)
  • Added: .DSAY event command to send public chat to Discord
  • Added: New Conditional: CHECKDISCORDROLE, supports >, >=, =
    Example: CHECKDISCORDROLE:>=Moderator

    Example Event to allow those in discord to chat with those in the game
    This event will only work for those that have moderator or higher access in Discord

    Type: Player Public Chat
    Conditionals: STARTSWITH:!asay||CHECKDISCORDROLE:>=Moderator
    Script: say "[{player_name}]: {0}"

    Usage: !asay This is a test, you should see this in the game chat!
  • Added: Rat News link to the Help menu dropdown. This will display the most recent RAT changelog for Experimental/Stable releases. It is really ugly, if you'd like to make it look better, please send me an example using CSS so I can use that as a template. =)
  • Added: New Event Command: CHATW
    Example Script: .CHATW:This writes to the local RAT Chat window, but only to there, no one else will see this.
    This will allow you to write events there such as a player joined the server, died, etc... or not, as you please and whatever you want to say. Or if something happens you want to log in general, a player used a specific command, etc.

As always, please backup your database file before upgrading, it is located at %appdata%\Nomadsoft\7d2dusa.sdf


Q: My 7D2D server crashes as soon as it starts up.
A: If you are running A16 of 7D2D, please make sure you are using the latest RAT Experimental version as it is A16 compatible and the current stable version of RAT is not.

Q: RAT crashes as soon as it starts up
A: If upgrading from RAT version < 1118, you'll need to perform these one time steps. After that, RAT will start normally from then on.
Version 0.1.107

It is recommended that you fully uninstall the 0190 version and then install this version. From this point forward, upgrades should not require you to uninstall or lose your settings.

There's a lot more than this, but I lost those notes. =)

  • Improved the monitoring and status display of the telnet and server instance connections
  • In some instances, player country flags would not appear. *NOTE* this is set when the player logs in only (to prevent hammering the lookup service)
  • Server Config read/write could fail on invalid paths/files.
  • Fixed issue where log entries might not save with the correct serverID (Fixes console log export issue)
  • Exception when clicking "Show Player Inventory" when no player was selected
  • Exception when there was no data displayed in the console window and the refresh button was clicked
  • Exception when attempting to shut down the server process manually
  • Issue where RAT was not waiting for server process to shutdown before attempting to kill the process
  • Players would sometimes not be removed from the player list
  • When the last player logged off of the server, some of timers did not stop correctly (server messages, etc)
  • Removed Popup when clicking a player that is not currently listed.
  • Installer not copying the database file to the installation directory on a new install
  • Players with spaces in their names, would not get private messages
  • Player country flags should be appearing again
  • Creating a second server config would sometimes fail. If this still happens to you, create one anyway, then a third.
    You should be good to edit from there. Fresh installs shouldn't have an issue going forward.
  • Server restart on max ram usage would not restart the server
  • Servers with a large number of players (> 16) online at any one time, should no longer see bad player data (please let me know if this fixed worked!)
  • Grab bag items not being displayed when opening Grab Bags
  • Removing an Item from a bag, no longer removes all items from the bag
  • Server config filename now saves correctly
  • Log files should again be written to the "7 Days to Die Dedicated Server\logs" directory
  • Using special characters such as & and < > will throw an exception when importing your serverconfig.xml file. Error is now trapped and a message displayed, but these are still not accepted characters for the time being.
  • Server Voting should work correctly now, please let me know if you have any issues.
  • Seen command would not display output correctly when remapped to another command, such as "/seen"
  • Splitting of text using || was not working correctly
  • Spawn Horde now spawns correctly
  • Spawn Scouts near player
  • Private messages to players for the MOTD, would fail if the player had a space in their name
  • Name colum is now visible all the time again
  • Database update not updating sometimes (hopefully...)
  • Issue displaying players with a player level > 255
  • Ram usage exceeds check would sometimes fail

  • Now using "ss" command for spawnscouts instead of "spawnscouts"
  • Increased the telnet password max length to 35
  • Removed Friendly Fire server setting
  • Drop on death now has a "Drop Nothing" option
  • Redesigned Grab bag editor a bit, hopefully there is more clarity now
  • Save button for RAT Settings should be a little more visible now
  • Increased the max day/night length from 180 to 360
  • Some redesign to RAT layout
  • Double click a bag item will enable the editor (instead of having to click the edit button)
  • When checking for RAT updates and there are no updates, a message will now appear stating there are no updates available
  • Spawn Entity from the player list toolbar will now use the playername instead of identity name
  • Warning popup when shutting down the server manually, just to be sure.
  • Verbiage on restarting/shutting down the server to say "restarting/shutting down" instead of just "shutting down".
  • Updated some tooltips on the local server options, still many more to add though
  • Added RAT version to the titlebar
  • Mouse over tooltips on Telnet and Server connection window will now display the last successful Connection/Process Check date and time.
  • New "Enable Local Server" checkbox on the "Server Configuration" tab.
    This must be checked in order for monitoring of the local server to work (Automatic Restarts, etc)
    You can uncheck this, and manually start and stop your server with the launch buttons instead. This allows more control over your server, especially while testing.
  • First pass at an upgrade system, hopefully you won't lose any of your settings/database reset any longer when upgrading RAT
  • You can now filter out and see log messages from RAT to help in debugging. Select "RAT Logs" from the console window content type dropdown.
  • You can now export the RAT log items to a file to help with debugging byu selecting "RAT Logs" from the Export Logs dropdown.
  • Added new custom command {airdropcoords} message, to display the last known supply crate airdrop.
  • (A15)Added new server setting "PlayerKillingMode" (PKMode) dropdown
  • Tools Menu on RAT, now contains item for deleting all players from the RAT database. (This does NOT affect player game files at all, more robust system for cleanup is planned in the future)
  • Clicking on a players name in the chat window, will select them in the player list if they are currently listed in the player list (online/offline)
  • Players can now be sorted by country
  • Right click menu option on player list to delete a player from the RAT database
  • Grab Bags system (Tools/Grab Bags), (gimme). First rev, will need a lot of testing. =)
  • Server Voting integration with 7daystodie-servers.com
  • Right clicking a player, you can now copy the players Name, IP, SteamID and Position to the clipboard
  • Right clicking a player, gives you the option to delete that single player from the database
  • Donation link in the HELP and About menus of RAT. Thank you to anyone that feels RAT is worth supporting! =)
  • Server Health Check Option: Server Ping Check, Pings the server every minute, if no response after three attempts, the server is restarted.
  • Email Option in settings for when the server is not responding via telnet
  • Entities (Zombie, airdrops, etc) are now available as Grab Bag items.
  • Two RAT options for checking for updates. One for Stable and one for Experimental versions. An update button will appear in the RAT toolbar when an update is available if enabled. Click it to go to the relevant versions download page.
    The check is only done at startup, or if you click the check for updates button in the Help menu.
  • Player list filter, you can now type in text to search for in the player list. Search is performed against PlayerName, SteamID, IP and Position.
  • Custom Commands, adding two pipe characters || in the Custom Command Message, will put the next text on a new line, allowing you to display text in a cleaner format
    Example: Line1||Line2||Line3
    Will output:
  • New visual player inventory. You can now view a players inventory, as they would see it within the game. Also shows quality and quantity of items. Thanks to Alloc for adding some code in I needed to complete this!
  • Item Icon Import from Tools menu and the Player Inventory window.
    It will copy the files into your RAT /ItemIcons folder. This is done, because if you are only connecting via remote, you can still display the inventory icons.
    You need to aquire the images from the server (They are TFP content, so I don't distribute it), if the server is running local to RAT, then the import will be all you need to click.
  • Player Teleport System (/home type of setup}
    Currently located on the Misc tab.
    Options are, Enabled, Wait Time (Time between teleports a player must wait), and max destinations (the total saved locations a player may have)

    Custom Commands
    TeleportAdd - Adds the current location of the player as a destination
    Usage Example: !at <NameOfDestination>
    <NameOfDestination> is anything the player wants to call this location, up to a maximum of 10 characters
    Adding a location that already exists, will overwrite the old location
    TeleportDel - Deletes a destination
    Usage Example: !dt <NameOfDestination>
    Teleport - Teleport to a saved destination
    Usage Example: !t <NameOfDestination>
    TeleportList - Displays a list of the players stored destinations
    Usage Example: !lt
Resource did not update correctly, new file uploaded.

  • Buffs dropdown defaulted to second option in list
  • Spawn dropdown defaulted to second option in list
  • Importing a serverconfig.xml file that had game difficulty higher than 4 would cause an exception and not import
  • Importing a serverconfig.xml file would cause an exception if the path or filename were not valid
  • Importing a serverconfig.xml file would cause an exception if the loot abundance was greater than 100
  • Sorting and reloading the player list, would cause the selected player to change
  • Changed up some of the icons for a better (hopefully) look (work in progress)
  • Right click player menu option to copy the SteamID to the clipboard
  • FPS on status bar, click and hold over FPS to see all server status items
  • Player toolbar button for displaying the selected players inventory. (Improvements planned for this in the future)
  • Country icons in player list (mouse over for country code tooltip)
  • First pass at Envul's GBL support *READ NOTES BELOW*

RAT support for Envul's GBL is spotty at the moment. There are several questions I need answered before it is fully and correctly implemented. At this point, don't count on it working and please don't submit any bug reports on it yet. =)

I'm still working on the better upgrade path (such as saving your settings so you don't have to delete the database), however I have had limited time the last couple of weeks, so I wanted to get these changes out to you now. That version is still upcoming and outside of bug fixes, should be the next released version.
  • Opening the settings panel could throw an exception

  • Chat would only accept the first word the server admin typed


  • Exception thrown when saving settings
  • Setting chat colors not working correctly with all colors
  • When manually shutting down the server, server shutdown could happen before saveworld command completed.
  • !report does not return data as expected
Use the new {logcontent} token to display the log entry. You can use this token for any message/command.
Example Message: Player Reported!||{logcontent}||{playername}, thank you for your report!
Player reporting will get its own system soon, this is just a stop gap measure until then, so sorry for the current weak implementation. =)​
  • Scout & Horde Spawning (NOT FIXED)
spawnhorde seems to be working (now). I did nothing to fix it.
spawnscouts doesn't work at all.

I'm not sure what the issue is, whether it is a problem with the Alloc's Server Fixes mod or something I'm doing wrong. I can't get it to work via telnet either (meaning RAT isn't in the picture).

As far as I can tell, I'm using the commands correctly, so I've asked in the Alloc Server Fixes thread for help.
  • Currently selected player changes when the player list refreshes
This could cause issues if you were in the process of selecting a player for an action, and the list refreshed while you were doing so, the action could be performed on the wrong player.​

  • Added a couple missing tooltips to the player toolbar
  • Mute/Unmute player to playerlist toolbar
  • Current / Max player count to status bar

This version does NOT require a database update, you can keep your current databases intact. (Next version outside of a bugfix will be the first version with an upgrade path)

Things like shutdown messages and whatnot will become configurable in a future version. I need to do some revamping of a few things before I can make the change.​

  • Various display issues when resizing RAT
  • Buttons on White Lists tab were misaligned
  • Selecting folder locations should no longer only allow sub folders of the current folder to be selected
  • Players could become stuck in the "online" state in the display when they were actually not online
  • Time/Date token format (see Added section)

  • Window resize grip for better visual appearance
  • Custom Commands
These have been signficantly rewritten to now allow much more flexibility and future enchancement
Commands now have actions: Message, Email, Seen
Commands now have Destinations: All, Private, None

Examples are now included in the default RAT config, simply deactivate them in the UI and keep them for reference.

Set the destination field to whatever type of reply you want.​


Message: Exactly what you would expect it to do, sends a message. =)

Seen: Will reply back the last time the user was seen (or not). In the case of the user not being seen ever, the Params field is used for the reply

Email: Message is in three parts, seperated by || (that's two PIPE characters). SUBJECT||BODY||Ingame Chat Reply

New Tokens: {seenname}, {seentime}​

  • Confirmation window when writing the serverconfig.xml file
  • Display Setting
    • You can now configure which columns you want displayed in the player list
    • Colored Server Chat Messages
    • Default colors in General Settings
    • On the fly color change for server chat, uses a default from Settings if you don't set one
This is an ongoing process and I'm still working to make all messages configurable​
  • When shutting down the server with a countdown, each second of the last 10 seconds will also count down and display to the chat
  • General Settings
    • Save the RAT window size and position on exit
    • Minimize to tray
    • Start with Windows
  • Player Position, Rotation and Remote are now stored as part of the player profile
  • Ping Checker now displays the players name and steamID in the kick/ban message
  • General Setting
    • Added two new fields, Date and Time format. This will allow you to specify the format you want for the {datetime}, {date}, and {time} tokens specifically.
  • Support for player buffs/debuffs (Requires Alloc's Server Mod)
  • Support for spawning Entities, Scouts and Hordes (Requires Alloc's Server Mod)
Version 0.1.5

General Notes

Thank you, and a request of you:

First, I'd like to thank you for using RAT, I really do enjoy writing it and really appreciate those who have given feedback already, be it bug reports or feature requests! However, you should know that one of my primary motivators in writing it, is YOU.

Because of that, I'd like to know if you're using the application. I could put in some code that would phone home and let me know, but I feel that's intrusive and not something I am interested in doing.

So, all of that to say. If you're using RAT, please post at the offical RAT site here: 7D2D RAT - Remote Admin Tool (Server Manager) Or post on the official 7D2D forums in the RAT thread, here: 7D2D RAT - Remote Admin Tool

You don't have to say much, just something like "Hey, I'm using RAT". It really helps keep me motivated. =)

Design change information:

You might notice that on some of the new functionality, there are no "save" type of buttons.
Some save buttons will remain on larger groups of items, but in general, if you don't see a save button, you can assume your changes were already saved.

If the control is a grid (for instance custom commands), you can edit a command simply by clicking the row to edit it. Once you click off of the row, it is instantly saved.
I plan to implement this functionality going forward wherever I can and slowly start to remove the ugly save buttons.

Example 2:
The new server messages window contains a grid as well as other settings. The grid works just as described in example 1. However you will notice there is no save button on this tab.
That is becase as soon as you edit any item on this tab page, it is instantly saved.

I hope this change isn't too confusing, but I think overall it makes for a much nicer experience.

  • When starting RAT, the chat log now is scrolled to the bottom of the chat
  • PvP kills were not being displayed in the player grid
  • Folder select button for server path now works
  • Game difficulty not keeping the value you set (I hope, let me know as I wasn't able to duplicate it, but found something that might cause the issue)
  • !SEEN and !REPORT work again, sorry missed moving this function call when updating to the new chat parsing
  • Chat content is now displayed correctly when RAT starts (it's in the right sort order)
  • Item spawner now works with items that do not support a quality level.
    • Currently, I am unable to automatically determine which items have quality levels and which do not. If you know how determine whether or not an item can have a quality associated with it, please let me know.
  • Tooltips for adding and removing Host Bans are now correct

  • Now handling the way server restarts are done much better in regards to delays and timing.
  • Changed the display of the Server Configuration tab a bit

  • You can now filter the console window by entering text and the filter type (contains, starts with or ends with)
  • Stop server will now keep the server stopped, regardless of the health check monitor, until you manually start the server, or RAT is restarted.
  • Write Config button on the Server Configuration tab. You can now force a write of the serverconfig.xml file if you don't want to use the automatically generated method (the default)

Server Restart functions
  • You can now restart your server with a countdown timer (optional, set by you) as well as
  • optional settings for Save World before shutdown and optional server message.

General Config
  • New RAT settings tab "General
  • New config option: Send a chat message when a backup begins and completes.
  • New config option: Automatically write the serverconfig.xml file every time the server starts or not.
  • Default is: On, otherwise it is up to you to click the "Write Config" button after making changes
  • New config option: Timestamp format for console and chat windows.
  • New config option: Enable/disable logging of console text to the database
  • New config option: Enable/disable logging of chat text to the database
  • New config option: Automatically trim the console and chat logs from the database based on user defined time, minimum length is 1 hour.

  • Send a message when a player joins the server
  • Message can be sent privately to joining player (Requires Alloc's Server Fixes mod)
  • Tokens: {playername} (and those in Server Messages)

Server Messages
  • Create as many server messages as you would like
  • Choose to display server messages randomly or sequentally
  • Messages can be disabled or enabled instantly
  • Set the time between messages in minutes
  • Supports the following tokens: {servername}, {datetime}, {date}, {time}, {ratversion}

Custom Commands
  • Create as many custom commands as you would like
  • Each custom command can be disabled or enabled instantly
  • Supports the following tokens: {playername}, {servername}, {datetime}, {date}, {time}, {ratversion}

  • Player join parser now correctly parses names with spaces in them.
  • Player died message is now correctly parsed
  • Missing button on player toolbar to spawn items
  • Refresh button for host bans now works
  • Getting the ingame time now stops querying the server if no players are online.
  • Created a Security tab to hold both Ping Checker and Host Bans
  • Log Export button on toolbar is more noticable
  • RAT is now resizable, this should improve readability for some people.