[Not a Bug] Teleport Not working?


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JFF Member
Nov 28, 2018
After setting up the teleport system, teleporting is not working for some reason.

Console States: Target playername or entity/steamid id not found.

Even though Coords are setup, and player is notified that they are being spawned.
No Rat log errors. Only what is stated in console.

Any Ideas?

(Edited: What parameters would be setup for the Saves Folder, as I think that this would be the cause of the issue? ) Seems to not locate the "Player", folder. for the files pertaining to the player. Since Entity / steamid id was not found.
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RAT doesn't access the game files outside of a backup/restore so it won't be that.

Can you show me what you have setup for the teleport and what the console says exactly? Can you paste me the exact console response?
2019-01-24 18:32:16 1163.036 INF Chat (from '76561197990096056', entity id '171', to 'Global'): 'DarkRisen': !spawn
2019-01-24 18:32:16 1163.093 INF Executing command 'teleportplayer "DarkRisen" {tele_Spawn}' by Telnet from
2019-01-24 18:32:16 Target playername or entity/steamid id not found.
2019-01-24 18:32:22 1169.517 INF Executing command 'sayplayer "DarkRisen" "[00FFFF] You have been teleported to the spawn location."' by Telnet from
2019-01-24 18:32:22 Message to player "DarkRisen" sent with sender "Server"

Spawn 1195 53 1015

Thats what I have for the console and the spawn location, sorry this is on my Actual Server mainframe from my home.
(not a computer used as a server, but an actual server Prolient using windows server 2012 r2.
Ok, looks like a bug. RAT isn't resolving the {tele_Spawn} to a value. I'll check into it. For now, make sure that the tele_Spawn is in the same case in the script, compared to the teleport name.
Also, I marked this as "Not a bug" because its possible that you might have teleports with the same name, etc... No idea, but for now, that's what I'm calling it. ;) I might change that in the future though if its a big problem for people.
I only have 1 Teleport location called Spawn. So no name issues. I will do more testing on my end to resolve the issue, and will post any updated
on my matter asap.

Thanks again for everything.
Yes that was the issue, creating a teleport location, using "spawn", and not "Spawn", was making the system not work.
TYVM for all your help :)
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