CAT Alpha

CAT Alpha 00025

In this release:
80+ new server configuration options

Mod Viewer

Bug fixes (yes, that annoying Server Region always reverting to America is fixed! ;) )

There are bound to be bugs in these release, please test on a test server, not your live servers.
Changed: Max Tick Rate now has a maxium of 600.
Added: Last time a player was online to player list
Changed: Player / NPCs tab, all settings now set to increment in .1 increments
Added: New/Missing settings:
Server MOTD
Shutdown on load error
Item Spoil Rate Scale(nud .1 -> 10)
Harvest Amount Multiplier(nud .1 -> 10)
Resource Respawn Speed Multiplier(nud .1 -> 10)
Disable Building Abandonment (Checkbox)
Building Decay Time Multiplier (nud .1 -> 10)

Day Night
Day Cycle Speed (nud .1 -> 10)
Day Time Speed (nud .1 -> 10)
Night Time Speed (nud .1 -> 10)
Dawn/Dusk Time Speed (nud .1 -> 10)
Use Catch Up (checkbox)
Catch Up Time(nud - Whole number, 1 min, 24 max)

Chat Local Radius (nud 0 -> 20,000, Increment 100)
Max Message Length (nud 0 -> 1024)
Chat Has Global (checkbox)
Changed: Default settings are now imported into the serversettings.ini file.
Changed: Added back in the various drop on death types
Should fix the issue with the server not appearing on Steam/server lists
Fixed: Added ?listen? param, instead of -listen
Fixed: GameServerPort not saving correctly
Changed: Only using the one setting for Drop Equipment on death, the others don't work correctly.
Added: Experimental version update check. Works just like the public release version, but lets alpha testers know there is a new version available for them.
Anyone can check this box, but you will just get messages that there is a version to download, that you don't have access to download.
Fixed: Issue that was causing tooltips on the status bar to not appear
Fixed: Patches were not always being detected correctly
Fixed: Max Nudity setting was not saving/loading the correct value
Changed: Layout of the settings pages to accomodate new items
Added: The following settings items:
Fixed: CE News would sometimes stop updating the display when changing to different news items
Fixed: GameServerPort now being correctly written to the engine.ini file
Fixed: MaxPlayers not updating correctly in game.ini
Changed: Removed auto saving of settings on exit, incase you had bad info, it isn't overwritten unless you specifically click the Save Settings button.
Fixed: When there was an error reading an INI file value, the rest of the file was not read, causing default values to overwrite your values.
Changed: Specifically setting the culture of the app to en-US so that INI file numeric values write correctly. Please let me know if this causes any issues for those whos culture is not normally en-US.
Fixed: If CAT is unable to hit the CAT home site to check for updates, an error message will be displayed in the CAT log, instead of throwing an exception
Fixed: Multiple changes around loading and saving INI files, the default CE INI files MUST exist as CAT cannot replicate all of the information created in the INI files by default as some of it is custom data to your server.
Changed: If config INI files cannot be found, they are not created. The must have been created by the CE server to begin with.
- Default files must exist
Added: Multiple checks on SteamCMD Folder, Server Install Folder and Server EXE file. Popups, and background highlight colors will happen when these controls lose focus and contain "bad" data.
Added: CE Server update check now also looks for "HOTFIX" to detect updates
Added: Tooltips to the SteamCMD folder, Server Install Folder and Server EXE File labels to help people understand what value is expected there.
Added: Default values for all of the dropdown boxes for Server Settings.
Fixed: UDP connections not closing correctly
Fixed: Settings INI files not automatically loading/being located correctly (Fixes multiple issues people were having, was due to missing event handlers. Copy / Paste, strikes again!)
Fixed: Missing window icon for the Remote Viewer
Changed: No longer using command line parameters for things that can be set in the INI files. Meaning, only the switches (-log, -nosteamclient, etc) will be used on the command line now.

Fixed: Save issue for Server Query port and Multihome values

Added: Beginning support for mods
Fixed: Issue when wiping the server, it didn't actually do the wipe... ok, so I left some debug code in... ;)
Fixed: UDP connections not closing correctly
Fixed: Settings INI files not automatically loading/being located correctly (Fixes multiple issues people were having, was due to missing event handlers. Copy / Paste, strikes again!)
Fixed: Missing window icon for the Remote Viewer
Changed: No longer using command line parameters for things that can be set in the INI files. Meaning, only the switches (-log, -nosteamclient, etc) will be used on the command line now.

Fixed: Save issue for Server Query port and Multihome values
Please test in the following areas:

Fixed: UDP connections not closing correctly
Fixed: Settings INI files not automatically loading/being located correctly (Fixes multiple issues people were having, was due to missing event handlers. Copy / Paste, strikes again!)
Fixed: Missing window icon for the Remote Viewer
Changed: No longer using command line parameters for things that can be set in the INI files. Meaning, only the switches (-log, -nosteamclient, etc) will be used on the command line now.