Automatic restart of the game server on schedule and update when updating in STEAM


New member
Jul 15, 2024
As a new RAT4 user, I am interested in several things:
- Where can I read about the Event Editor? How to create new ones and what is responsible for what?
- How to create scheduled server restarts?
- How to restart RAT4 via the scheduler?
- How to make the game update automatically when it is updated in STEAM?
There isn't much to read about the event editor, mostly because I rarely write good documentation. That being said, the best way to learn, is to look at what is already there. But in short, events are based on a Type of event, such as a player dying, or connecting to the server, or killing a zombie, etc. There are dozens of event types.

From there, you set the condition that has to be true in order for the event to fire the commands you have in the Script section. Such as, is the player of the correct player level to fire the event, what group they are in, etc. There's a lot there. But you can find that information on the tabs on the right of the event editor (and a lot more).

Use the Scheduler in RAT, its an icon on the main RAT toolbar. Select the date and time you want the restart to happen, I'd suggest setting an end time for the event about 5 minutes later to make sure it gets picked up. Then change the action dropdown to restart local server.

There is no way to restart RAT itself on a schedule. Not sure why you'd want this, but I'd use Windows Task Scheduler to do it.

Automatic game updates are not supported by RAT. Its not that they couldn't be, its that game updates usually break older game worlds in some way. So its better that admins make the conscious decision as to if/when to update.
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